Global standards ensure that only the best produce of South Africa is sent to international markets. It is therefore a necessity to be compliant to many standards and we have therefore created our KDB Standard to ensure credibility to all our customers with certification from the following:
The Sustainability Initiative of South Africa
the Sustainability Initiative of South Africa, provides a platform for agricultural stakeholders to ensure ethical and environmentally sustainable trade. This platform monitors care for the environment and compliance with labour legislation. Our aim is to encourage continuous improvement in practices over time in excess of the minimum legal requirements. We engage directly with our stakeholders throughout the value chain in order to identify needs and issues. Interventions and support tools are created by measuring member compliance over time.
Global gap
Global Good Agricultural Practices
a Trademark and Set of Standards for Good Agricultural Practices. The standard covers all stages of production, pre-harvest activities such as soil management, plant protection product application, and irrigation to post-harvest produce handling, packing and storing.
Brand Reputation Compliance Global Standards
BRCGS is a market-leading global brand that helps build confidence in the supply chain. Our Global Standards for Food Safety, Packaging and Packaging Materials, Storage and Distribution, Consumer Products, Agents and Brokers, Retail, Gluten Free, Plant-Based and Ethical Trading set the benchmark for good manufacturing practice and help provide assurance to customers that your products are safe, legal and of high quality.
Tackling Forced & Bonded Labour
StrongerTogether’s programme in South Africa is delivered in partnership with the Wine and Agricultural Ethical Trading Association (WIETA) and the Sustainability Initiative of South Africa (SIZA) and is supported by prominent industry leaders across the supply chain including global and national retailers and exporters and importers. The programme was established in May 2017 to support South African agri-businesses to address the risk of forced labour within their businesses and supply chains.