






Lemon trees grow vigorously and become difficult to manage if not pruned. Unlike other citrus varieties, which normally bloom just once a year, lemons will continue to flower throughout the season. We produce three types of lemon varieties namely Eureka, Lisbon and Genoa.

These varieties are very similar to each other. Having a slightly round to ellipsoid shape with a medium to thin rind thickness.



Navels are the earliest maturing of the orange varieties, producing large, sweet and deep orange seedless fruit.  

Kirkwood RedsKirkwood Red is a seedless citrus variety that can be differentiated by the trade and identified by the consumer due to its external blush, dark red internal pigment, and exceptional taste. In terms of consumption, Kirkwood Red navel ha…

Kirkwood Reds

Kirkwood Red is a seedless citrus variety that can be differentiated by the trade and identified by the consumer due to its external blush, dark red internal pigment, and exceptional taste. In terms of consumption, Kirkwood Red navel has excellent potential for the differentiation of pigmented fruit with higher antioxidant levels and to add colour to fruit salads, juice, etc.

WitkransThe Witkrans Late navel was chosen exclusively for its late ripening time, good fruit size and internal fruit quality, high fruit production, firm fruit and smooth peel.The fruit is juicy with soft fibre.


The Witkrans Late navel was chosen exclusively for its late ripening time, good fruit size and internal fruit quality, high fruit production, firm fruit and smooth peel. The fruit is juicy with soft fibre.

BahianinhaThe Bahianina navel orange is a type of sweet orange that is seedless and has a rich, juicy flavour that is delicious for eating out of hand. The fruit is large and has a deep orange colour. It peels easily and the tender flesh provides a …


The Bahianina navel orange is a type of sweet orange that is seedless and has a rich, juicy flavour that is delicious for eating out of hand. The fruit is large and has a deep orange colour. It peels easily and the tender flesh provides a rich and pleasant flavour. The navel is recognised as the primary eating orange throughout the world.



Mandarin trees and their hybrids are usually the most cold resistant of all commercially grown citrus varieties. The fruits are usually very easy to peel hence the name “easy peelers”. 

NardorcottThe Nadorcott is low seeded Mandarin with a smooth deep orange rind that is very easy to peel. The fruit is usually oblate shaped with a slight neck. It is a fruit with great depth of flavour and sweetness and a good acidity balance.


The Nadorcott is low seeded Mandarin with a smooth deep orange rind that is very easy to peel. The fruit is usually oblate shaped with a slight neck. It is a fruit with great depth of flavour and sweetness and a good acidity balance.

LeanriThe Leanri is a Mid ripening mandarin hybrid with a firm, smooth and thin rind that colours to a deep orange. similar to the Nadorcott the Leanri is low seeded and very easy to peel and has a more round shape. 


The Leanri is a Mid ripening mandarin hybrid with a firm, smooth and thin rind that colours to a deep orange. similar to the Nadorcott the Leanri is low seeded and very easy to peel and has a more round shape. 



Valencia’s are the best oranges for juicing. Reputed for its exceptional juice and high juice content.

MidknightMidknight is a cultivar from South African origin. These oranges are near seedless with an exceptional high juice content. Valencia oranges continue to ripen post-harvest thus getting sweeter in transit. 


Midknight is a cultivar from South African origin. These oranges are near seedless with an exceptional high juice content. Valencia oranges continue to ripen post-harvest thus getting sweeter in transit.